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TODAS AS SEXTAS...UniverSamba Prime ( Samba d+ , Grupo Movimento & Convidados ) todas as Sextas no Mouza Music Com WI-FI Free

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UniverSamba Prime  , TODAS AS SEXTAS-FEIRAS  a partir das 21 Horas No MOUZA Music na Liberdade Com os grupos : Samba d+ ,Movimento  & Convidados . Aniversariante do dia Entrada FREE.

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Ler 23767 vezes Última modificação em Quarta, 17 Fevereiro 2016 14:26
Universamba Show

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4073 comentários

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 20:52

    God Rich, waarom maak je nou toch weer een buikschuiver??!! Zo te horen is het nog goed afgekomen. Je hoofd is in ieder geval niet geplet als een rijpe druif onder die auto Ik had gedacht dat jullie nu toch wel het mooie weer in waren gereden, maar ook in Italië is het dus hondeweer. Ik hoop dat het nu weer is opgeklaard en dat je die stijve spiertjes weer hebt los gereden.

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 20:46

    Das heißt die Vermieterin kann dies nicht bezeugen da der Brief erst gestern eingeworfen wurde und dies bedeutet das es eh zu spät war.Vielen Dank für ihre freundliche und schnelle HilfeMagdalena S.

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 20:42

    And of course, Hophmis remark about the Catholic Church begs for the question: and how many Divisions does the Pope have?And, BTW, how many undeclared nuclear weapons does the Catholic Church have?

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 20:28

    Lovely flavor and it looks delicious ! I have this organic cinnamon that has been sulking in our cupboard so as a pack of petrified raisins :D Will try that recipe sometime !

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 20:13

    Sorry, Anna men jag hatar Facebook, Förstår mig inte på´t.Dessutom är jag oduglig på att länka. Och blir skogstokig på att maninte kan säga upp sitt konto på Facebook.

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 19:35

    [Shhh!] Methinks the noise emanating from me was a squealy sound too, as the taxi driver jabbed the brake : 'Yes, lady?' - back to lovely salads ;) ! And husband dear uttered :'Oh for goodness sake!' !!

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 19:26

    Nathan, Ive been using Accordance on my MacBook for 3-4 years & Im very happy with it for straight Bible & language work. Quick to load & fast, comprehensive searching.I purposely steered away from Logos at the time due to a poor experience [sluggish to load & use; not liking the interface; etc] with a basic Logos install on my previous Win laptop. I cant comment on its current offering as I havent experienced it in action lately & never on a Mac.Stu

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 19:23

    Alright, I guess. But it doesnt seem menacing, just annoying. 5/10 pasta points. It doesnt give us any plot. It would be better if it was completed with some kind of purpose.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 3 votes)

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 18:33

    Dies ist gültig. Passanten die Wahrheit wissen. . Scheinbar ganz interessant, wenn Sie halten von diesem Ort zu bekommen, ich weiß nicht wie, ich weiß es nicht kommen, hey, wie man darauf [ ]

  • Link do comentário Terça, 18 Setembro 2018 18:24

    was ist mit dem titel leute, euch sind die diversen namen ausgegangen das wär ja mal was^^auf jeden fall gutes video wie immer

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